Withdrawal Information
Students who officially withdraw from courses, may be eligible for a percentage refund of tuition and certain fees. The following fees are non-refundable: Nursing Tuition Deposit, Certificate, or Tuition Payment Plan.
Students can visit the Registration & Records Office to complete a withdrawal form or process the drop on-line through Ocean Connect Self Service. (See instructions on dropping or withdrawing from a course). Failing to attend class does not constitute dropping a class. By following the schedule below, the student may eliminate or reduce their financial obligation.
Official date of withdrawal will be the date Registration & Records receives the completed withdrawal form with all required signatures or the date/time stamp from Ocean Connect Self Service.
Refund percentages are as follows:
- Class canceled by the college: 100%
- Withdrawal prior to the first official day of the semester/term: 100%
- Withdrawal between the first official day of the semester/term, up to and including the official attendance census date of the semester/term: 50%
- Withdrawal after the official attendance census date of semester/term: 0%
It is the responsibility of the student to officially withdraw from classes during the appropriate periods, to enable the possibility of a refund or credit.
Students receiving Financial Aid must complete 60% of the semester in order to be entitled to 100% of their Financial Aid Funds awarded. Withdrawals occurring prior to 60% completion date will result in the recalculation of aid eligibility. Excess funds will be returned to Federal or State agencies. This may create a new balance due to 365球赛平台. It is the responsibility of the student to officially withdraw from classes during the appropriate refund periods if the student is to receive a refund or credit.
If a student fails to withdraw from a specific Term prior to the beginning of that Term and does not attend classes at all for that Term, all eligibility for that Term is rescinded.
F to W Appeals
These requests are accepted and reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee. Students who have missed the course withdrawal deadline and received an F grade in the course(s) because of an extenuating circumstance, can submit an appeal and supporting documentation for review. Approved appeals will allow the college to change the failure grades to withdrawals. Use this link to submit an F to W Appeal Request Form.
Procedures for Tuition Refund Appeals
Ocean County College has a committee to review requests for tuition refunds. For consideration of an appeal, your written request must be submitted within one year of the end of the semester in question. All appeals to the committee are submitted to the Director of Program Compliance. Your appeal must include the term for which your are appealing, your contact information: student ID number, 365球赛平台 email address, telephone number and address. Appeals are NOT accepted via email.
Include the following or your appeal will not be reviewed:
The request must be submitted via our online appeal form and involve an extenuating circumstance which prohibited initial enrollment or continued enrollment in registered courses. Supporting documentation of the extenuating circumstance is required in order to review and make a decision; i.e., medical (medical doctor’s note covering period for which you are appealing), or military (supervising officer, copy of orders), etc. All statements must be on business letterhead and include dates and events. Retain your originals, they may be requested.
If your appeal is granted, the college will waive your costs minus any bookstore purchases, financial aid refunds and/or some other fees.
Complete your appeal and upload supporting documents.
Tuition Refund Appeals
Email Melanie Mancini at: melanie_mancini@920sf.net
F to W Appeals
Email Bridget Everett at: beverett@920sf.net